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Series of four videos designed to help support parents and children with the transition from preschool to school. Each video runs approximately 5 minutes. With the guardians of childhood series - a video classroom series, the guardians of childhood series helps families prepare children for a life of independence and achievement. It features interviews and case examples that will help parents and teachers guide children through the transition to school. The guardians of childhood series is part of a series of four videos designed to help parents and children with the transition from preschool to school.
Alkaline batteries should never be used in a lead acid battery. The combined voltage of two alkaline cells is less than one of a two cell battery. Safety Warning: Alkaline batteries may leak sulfuric acid at a slow rate of up to 0.3% per year. As hydrogen gas escapes, an explosion hazard exists. Explosion hazard - When two or more batteries are connected and the connectors are not attached therefore the batteries are electrically coupled the risk of a chemical fire and explosion is high. Alkaline batteries can leak alkaline fluid through separator at a slow rate of up to 0.3% per year. An explosion hazard exists if the alkaline fluid leaks and ignites.
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