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In this new mixing panel, we get an LFOs, a distorted looper, gain and volume, paramaters on the channels, and a few more useful knobs. Every effect in reason is there, except for a few. One of which I will explore later. Here is the main thing we want to get:
First want to click on the track in the left and hoick the faders up for the regroove. Thanx to the regroove mixer you can play quite some offbeat tracks with the regroove mixer. The regroove mixer is self explanatory, play normally and thanx to the shuffle pattern in transport panel over to the right it decrements the steps. When going to zero step, it automatically goes one step up at the end of the sound. This means you can play the same tune with a lot of different routings and it won't sound alike. (I'll be explaining the regroove mixer more in depth in another article).
Another cool thing is the re-trigger capable of re-triggering a regroove which means you can play the same sequence again with the same timing. We have the mixer with 4 track lanes and A track lane where you can feed your regroove into. It is important to adjust the volume before you trigger it, as it doesn't makes sense if you trigger the regroove without any gain. So how does it sound? d2c66b5586