Impact Vehicle Library
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Background: There is a controversy regarding the likelihood of injuries sustained when one car strikes another at a relatively low speed with little or no vehicle damage. Plaintiffs often claim injuries whereas defendants counterclaim that injuries could not have occurred with such a relatively minor impact.
Data selection: A Medline search for articles discussing low-speed rear-end collisions was conducted. Other articles and studies were reviewed that discussed low-speed rear-end collisions and factors impacting the neuromusculoskeletal system relevant to clinical practitioners. Articles included were human low-speed rear-end tests, lab tests on cadavers, automotive engineering articles, and peer-reviewed journal articles on whiplash. A few live animal and simulation studies were considered for the background of possible injury mechanism and vehicular deformation. Excluded were non-rear-end collison and single case reports.
Data synthesis: The data were studied to find a relationship between the resultant vehicle dynamics and occupant movement, biological mechanisms of injury and the neurological mechanisms causing complaints. Data were also studied to investigate objective findings supporting subjective complaints.
Conclusion: In low-impact collisions, there are usually no skid marks and minor or no visible damage to the vehicle. There is a lack of relationship between occupant injury, vehicle speed and/or damage. There does not seem to be an absolute speed or amount of damage a vehicle sustains for a person to experience injury. Crash tests indicate that a change of vehicle velocity of 4 km/hr (2.5 mph) may produce occupant symptoms. Vehicle damage may not occur until 14-15 km/hr (8.7 mph). Occupant soft tissue and joint injuries resulting from low-speed vehicle collisions respond positively to afferent stimulation of mechanoreceptors. The diagnosis of the occupant injuries relies on standard orthopedic neurological testing, autonomic concomitant signs and qualitative and quantitative testing.
The Impact Vehicle Outline Library is a collection of thousands of vehicle outlines that offer you a unique way to present and design vehicles for your customers. Each outline is individually vectorised by us and is completely editable in your chosen design program.
Today, more than 30 million adults cannot read or write above a third-grade level. Books in the hands of children have a meaningful impact on improving literacy. Studies prove that the more books in or near the home, the more likely a child will learn and love to read.
Little Free Library book exchanges are an excellent vehicle for areas without easy access to books. Through the Impact Library Program, we provide no-cost Little Free Library book exchanges to communities where books are scarce.
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Electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated by electric vehicles (EVs) can compromise the reception quality of AM signals. This paper explains some effects of EMI on AM reception and audio quality in EVs, and the importance of EMI mitigation, with the help of field test data using EVs. The reception performance of analog AM and all-digital AM In-Band On-Channel (IBOC) digital radio1 signals is then briefly compared based on results from analysis and field measurements. Finally, field test results for internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and EVs demonstrate the robustness of all-digital AM signals and the superior AM audio experience provided by AM IBOC digital radio technology.
The Mount Vernon Library Commons project is a MULTI-use infrastructure project located in historic downtown Mount Vernon along Interstate 5. Combining several community needs, this project is a catalyst for economic development in the Cascadia Innovation Corridor along the Interstate 5 corridor between Seattle and Vancouver, BC, and represents a $53 million investment in the local economy.This project includes public library services, community center space, and structured parking with a public mega charging electric vehicle charging floor, park and ride, and transit stop. As an equitable anchor institution of any modern city and region, the Library is well-positioned to extend its role as a critical community connector; offering a place for seniors to gather, an early learning hub, access to digital literacy, new business incubation, employee training, and the necessary tools that strengthen democracy by addressing knowledge gaps.A public parking structure with a public mega electric vehicle charging floor, combined with other infrastructure, is a purposeful City investment and an efficient way to catalyze private development in historic downtown.
There is evidence of adverse health impacts from human exposure to traffic-related ultrafine particulate matter pollution. As more commuters are spending a significant portion of their daily routine inside vehicles, it is increasingly relevant to study exposure levels to harmful pollutants inside the vehicle microenvironment. This study is one of the first research efforts to combine detailed freeway traffic data (at 20 s intervals) and in-vehicle ultrafine particulate (UFP) exposure data under varying vehicle ventilation conditions. Results show that due to negative correlation between traffic speed and density, traffic states have a small but significant impact on in-vehicle UFP concentrations, highest in high traffic flow-high speed conditions or in high traffic density-low speed conditions. Vehicle cabin barrier effects are the primary determinant of in-vehicle exposure concentrations, providing 15% protection with the windows down, 47% protection with the windows up and the vent open, and 83-90% protection with the windows up and the vent closed (more with the air conditioning on). Unique results from this study include the dominance of ventilation over traffic effects on UFP and the non-linear relationships between traffic variables and UFP concentrations. The results of this research have important implications for exposure modeling and potential exposure mitigation strategies. 153554b96e