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Each file contains the download link of the full torrent file. It may not be a direct link, you will need to click on it to download the full torrent file. You can also use FTP or other download managers to download them. Torrent files are compressed and are packed into a single zip file.
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I am running a PC with Windows 7 and Adobe Photoshop CS6. I am wondering how to end the trial period and convert to a full copy of Photoshop CS6. I tried closing down Photoshop, which produced a message telling me to return the disk. I did that, but the same message returned. How can I end this?
Hi Dave,I was able to get my English Indesign CS6 to switch to German. But there is one Problem. The moment I startet Indesign there is the error message that my trial version ends soon altough I bougt a regular Version with correct serial number by an adobe seller. Can anybody help me? 827ec27edc