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Orcad is a unified suite of open source flow based computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing and related tools. It is written in C++ and runs on a wide range of platforms. The Orcad project provides a method to model complex physical systems, and enables the convenient analysis and simulation of these systems. Orcad includes: 2D and 3D surface modelling, mechanical & thermal analysis, verification and optimization, and support to the design and manufacture of complex systems.
The Open Source Audio Toolbox (OSATB) is open source and uses pre-written C++ and OpenCL kernels and a dynamic load library. It can be used to help analyze audio signals (measurements such as frequency, amplitude, phase, and time) as well as helping to create audio signals. The audio analysis toolbox provides assistance to the receiver and the listener by providing real-time information on auditory perception to help obtain a greater understanding of how the auditory system works.
Octave-Matrix is a free software toolbox that contains tools and functions for matrix calculations. It is written in C and OpenCL and provides an efficient way to compute matrix expressions. Currently the toolbox can perform basic matrix operations including multiplications, calculations, and functions.
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