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I have an old mac from 2003 that I use for Photoshop CC 2017 (standalone updater) and it works fine but every time I update my system it will not work. I have to uninstall it, use the standalone updater and install the latest version, then it works again. If I don't do that it will freeze.
[4] Are these the latest versions? I ask because Photoshop CC 2018 (64-bit) for Mac download link above installs version, yet I think that the latest version seems to be Can such latest standalone updater be downloaded?
Hey I'm on macOS 10.15.4 and I was wondering what's the current (or latest at least) versions of apps such as Photoshop, etc. I know I can find the version of the Mac App Store App by going to the App Store > Mac > App Store. However, that doesn't work with standalone updaters. I've tried installing them the old fashioned way from the App Store, and that doesn't work either. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, or if it's just not possible. I have Photoshop CC 2018 for Mac, which I'm not really sure is the latest version. It's installed at version Does anyone know what the latest version of Photoshop CC 2018 for Mac is?
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