Quoom - Witch Torture.zip ##HOT##
Quoom - Witch Torture.zip ->>> https://urluso.com/2taiQW
Witches were often burned at the stake, but this method was only used in rare cases. In the 17th century, the stake was abandoned because it was too slow to work. Instead they used the rack. The rack was used to torture the witch to confess
Up to this day, the Spanish Horse is used for interrogation of suspected witches. With a number of sharp bits, the end of the wedge is forced into the body of the victim, and the wedge then becomes a little hammer. The ends of the bits are set on fire and the wedges are pulled out one after the other, until finally the witch confesses.
This is the largest of all the torture devices. The victim was standing in a wooden cage, surrounded by various kinds of instruments of torture. Among other things, there were whips with different attachments, spikes, spikes with a long sharp point, as well as pincers. The torture was carefully adjusted to the weight of the victim.
In the year 1536 the executioner had to deal with a victim with a very large body weight. The woman was guilty of sorcery, and the executioner had to prepare the torture device. This device had to hold the victim and immobilize her during the torture.
The rack was first used in the 16th century as a punishment for thieves. The torture machine was used after the rack was used for a long time. The rack was used in this way because the victim was forced to suffer for a long time. And after all the rack was strong enough.
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