Renpy Fade To Black __HOT__
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A transition is a mechanism to get different displays of the same displayable object. If a displayable object is displayed twice, the second time the object is only displayed when the screen changes.
The initial and delta configuration values define how the transition starts at that moment of the time, and the duration length define how long it takes for the transition to end. The initial and delta configuration values can be a floats for percentages at the start and end of the transition, but in the example above, they are 1 and 0.5 respectively. The duration length can also be a float regardless of the percentage initial and end values we used (otherwise we would have to take into account how long the transition needs to be in order to start to end).
The full with statement is very similar, except it won't remove the displayable, but instead it will set the displayed boolean value to false. This is very useful for turning off transitions, transitions are objects that are written in a way to be able to be used as part of renpy's running time cycle in a very similar way to how loops can be used.
FadeToBlack(displayable, fade_to_black) with fade_to_black If you want to apply a transition to a layer that already has transitions applied to it, you can use thewith statement. This is equivalent to calling Show() on the layer, but without doing the actual transition so it keeps the displayable and animation instead of replacing it. d2c66b5586